Very Cool Gag Opening…’Red Shelton Hour’ 1962

Very Cool Gag Opening…’Red Shelton Hour’ 1962

Wait till you see what’s under the black dust cover on the RCA TK41! As you’ll see in this :30 clip, this is actually in CBS Television City Studio 33, but we are lead to believe otherwise. Enjoy! Thanks to William David French for discovering this.



  1. Ian Bartlett January 26, 2014

    I have to wonder if that was a veiled reference to CBS having no option but to use the TK41s…

    “Wait, you want to show one of our cameras??? Here….take this! We don’t want people knowing these are OURS!!! Especially Mr. Paley!”

  2. John Holt January 26, 2014

    Very funny. As a microphone collector I notice the E/V 642 above him and this was the year it came out, behind is an RCA 77-D or DX ribbon that were being phased out.

  3. Preston Trusler January 26, 2014

    That was FUNNY!