Fantastic TV History in Steve Allen Video Bio!
On December 27, 2014
- TV History, Viewseum
Of all the bio and tribute shows I have seen, THIS IS THE BEST EVER! Really!
There is very rare footage here of Steve’s carrier and even the very first ‘Jose Jimenez’ sketch from Bill Dana who Allen discovered, along with Don Knotts, Tim Conway, Tom Poston, Louis Nye and more… you will see them ALL, and MORE here! This is just amazing! Get some coffee, click start, enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
Bobby, thanks so much for your praise of the show. I wrote it and was associate producer. We had a blast screening Steve’s shows for the hour. 8 years earlier, I had the honor of writing for Steve for his syndicated series, “Start of Something Big.” The best part was being with him at shoots and asking him a million questions about the Tonight Show and Sunday Night Show. He remembered everything!
This is most definitely part of “The Peoples Labor Channel”… It does not get much better than this Bobby!
Steve Allen was a true American treasure.
The Steve Allen Westinghouse show was the best late night show ever, IMHO.
Steve Allen was one of the smartest performers that was ever on TV. I believe he shares this honor with Ernie Kovaks.
This is a wonderful biography. I had no idea Steve had such a tragic childhood; it’s amazing that he even survived it at all, much less with such a sense of humor. What I wouldn’t give to be able to see episodes of his off-the-wall Westinghouse talk show. Apparently the video tapes were kept (probably by Steve himself.) DVD release anyone?
I believe that Colbert will be our modern Steve Allen when he takes over for Letterman. Bit of Kovacs in there too.
When Steve Allen was live from L.A., during a commercial break, he ran across the street to the then new Capitol Records building, where a waiting elevator took him to the rooftop. Up there was a piano and a lone TV camera, and he performed on the piano, while the cameraman did a 360° dolly around him. Wish I could find that video somewhere.