The End Of An Era…
On August 19, 2014
- TV History
The End Of An Era…
Don Pardo, the Voice of ‘Saturday Night Live,’ Dies at 96
An announcer whose career began with radio and grew with popular game shows like “The Price Is Right,” he was best known for decades of introducing stars on the sketch comedy.
Voice of games shows as well as SNL… who can name them ?
They’re killing our poets.
Musical guest FRANK ZAPPA ….
Sorry to hear about Don’s passing. He had a great voice and, at 96 years, probably a good long life.
Thank you Don Pardo
R.I.P. M.Don Pardo.
Maybe NBC can unearth some of his ID’s and use them in memory of him. I’ll never forget his voice.
As a native New Yorker, Don’s voice, along with Fred Facey’s, were very familiar to me.
Oh man!
Saturday Night Live will never be the same
His “voice” was so iconic
Rest in peace Sir
Oh No ! 🙁
The original “Jeopardy!” ran until 1975, again a serendipitous endpoint because “Saturday Night Live” began the next year.
I know it’s nitpicky, but the NYT needs to edit better.
SNL began in 1975, not 1976 as the article says.
I knew this unfortunate day would come. 96 years is a good long life. May God bless Don Pardo.
Nobody, and I mean nobody….can ever replace this man. SNL will certainly never be the same.
Darn. Thank you, Don Pardo, for Being!!!