Who Knew? NASA Got An Emmy For It’s Pictures From The Moon!

Who Knew? NASA Got An Emmy For It’s Pictures From The Moon!

45 years ago today, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon. They also sent back live television pictures and Mr. Aldrin became the first lunar cameraman.

Five years ago, the TV Academy presented NASA with an engineering Emmy to honor the 40th anniversary of the first live television broadcast from the moon. The event was held August 22, 2009. From ‘Lost In Space’, June Lockhart presented the award and Buzz Aldrin accepting on behalf of NASA.

Thanks to our friend Bob Erbeck for letting us know about this and providing the pictures.



  1. Glenn Krasner July 20, 2014

    Buzz Aldrin was on C-Span this morning, answering questions via telephone and internet, and promoting a mission to Mars. He was quite entertaining and gave out a lot of good inside info about the Apollo 11 mission. Glenn in the Bronx, NY.

  2. Bob Erbeck July 20, 2014

    I also posted a video I shot of most of Buzz Aldrin’s acceptance speech on this Facebook page if you’re interested.

  3. Derek Toten July 20, 2014

    Armstrong and NASA have always maintained that Neil came up with the line himself and that he did not share it with anyone until the moment he spoke the words. Since he flubbed the lines, he probably could have used more practice!

  4. Mike Medrano July 20, 2014

    It took that long but the insipid television garbage for the last thirty years get “awards” daily.

  5. Linda Mayer Renneisen July 20, 2014

    Does anyone know who wrote Neil’s speech , “One step…?”

  6. Jay Kuntz July 20, 2014

    This is an interesting article about the video from the moon. Also a great expletive of the importance of a well labeled video library.

  7. Eyes Of A Generation.com July 20, 2014

    Here is June Lockhart, from ‘Lost In Space’ who presented the award.