NBC Studio 3B…’The Doctors’, March 1973

NBC Studio 3B…’The Doctors’, March 1973

Although I have posted this great shot of the RCA TK41s in action on the set of ‘The Doctors’ before, there is something new here…the date!

I just spoke with Glenn Mack again this morning to verify that this photo was taken in March of 1973 and it was. I had heard that NBC loved the pictures the TK41 made and so did Johnny Carson. Even after the TK44s came out Carson wanted to keep the 41s and did until just before the move to California. DeCordova and the director wanted the audience to get used to the different picture the TK44 made, so they went to the 44 about six or eight months before the move.

The TK44A came out in 1968 and the 44B (a better camera) came out in 1971. NBC, to pacify RCA, began to use some of the 44As on shows that had an audience, but kept the 41s in service on productions with no audience till at least 73, and maybe longer.

It would be interesting to know when the last NBC 41s were taken out of service. Anyone know? I’ve heard the ABC kept a TK41 backup sports truck till around 1978. Enjoy and share!



  1. Bill Schultz June 30, 2014

    The first time I took the NBC studio tour in 1977 The Doctors was still in production. We got a very limited peak at the studio through a window. Also, the grand staircase and rotunda mentioned in another post were still in the lobby. My mom waited there for me to finish the tour.

  2. Alan Maretsky June 27, 2014

    Those cameras WERE NBC!

  3. Jarbas Jam Mesquita June 27, 2014

    Please, someday speak about the tk 41 colorplexers.

  4. Jarbas Jam Mesquita June 27, 2014

    Almost 30 years of use!