Found IT! Jerry Lewis And The Laughing Cameraman, Original!

Found IT! Jerry Lewis And The Laughing Cameraman, Original!

Thanks to our friend in Brazil, João Antonio Franz, here is the original version of this sketch I mentioned in today’s earlier post. This is from 1960 and shows the same professional laugher behind at TK41, that we see in the 1967 version, BUT instead of a real TK41, this one is a prop borrowed from MGM for this show.  Thank you João and good luck in the World Cup Games! Enjoy and share! -Bobby Elleerbee



  1. Dave Miller June 13, 2014

    The color version was posted some months back …

  2. João Antonio Franz June 13, 2014

    Thanks! 😀 I’ll try to find the color version that i have in some place here 😉 (The man behind the camera is Joey Faye.)