CBS Studio 52…The New Yorker Theater, Part 2 MUST SEE

CBS Studio 52…The New Yorker Theater, Part 2 MUST SEE

THIS IS THE BEST LOOK YOU WILL EVER GET OF STUDIO 52! This one of a kind look inside happened on the 10th Anniversary show of ‘I’ve Got A Secret’. In the first 6 minutes, we go from the control room to the stage and meet ALL of the crew members. Remember, after CBS sold it, this was the location of the famous Studio 54 night club (so named because the entrance is on 54th Street, the stage entrance is on 53rd). In the last half, you’ll get good idea of where television’s talented crews came from as they sing, dance and perform on stage. What a great crew! ENJOY and share!

A trip inside the control room shows more of the crew, including producer Chester Feldman; Garry and crew members play “Ain’t She Sweet” and “12th Street Rag.”



  1. Don Cox March 15, 2014

    I NEVER look at anything that says “Must See”!

  2. John Roger Bolin March 14, 2014

    National” Pie Day” I’ll take Apple Pie ala mode.

  3. Bruce Hansen March 14, 2014

    …and for all us engineering types, today is national pi day 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 and on and on…

  4. Jerry Durkin March 14, 2014

    Everybody on the crew is wearing a suit.

  5. Gary Walters March 14, 2014

    Garry Moore never mentions who is running the camera in the Control Room. Perhaps, it is a locked down shot.