A New DANGER To Credibility And News? Yes…This Is Scary!
A New DANGER To Credibility And News? Yes…This Is Scary!
Without as much real news, from real journalists these days, it is already hard enough to know what the truth is, but now…the anti has been UPPED!
Although the original software was developed several years ago for CGI facial animation in motion pictures, now, several inexpensive versions of this kind of software are available to the public. With this, and a good sound-alike voice actor, you can make anybody, say anything, and it would look and sound like it was real. Here is how it is done. The technical part is in the last half. What are your thoughts on this? -Bobby Ellerbee
CVPR 2016 Paper Video (Oral) Project Page: http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/~niessner/thies2016face.html IMPORTANT NOTE: This demo video is purely research-f…
FOX will love his
This is a fantastic development for journalism! People need to understand that what they see on TV, listen to on the radio, and read in the newspapers, may not be real. For decades we have been accepting what we watch on TV news reports as the gospel truth. A fundamental understanding that anything can be fabricated will encourage critical thinking.
This technology MUST encode itself as a false construct into the video.
Given the increasingly questionable ethics of political campaigns, it’s just a matter of time until there’s a high profile example. Related: way too many media consumers these days believe anything they read on the internet, or see on the tube.
This is scary. I bet that Fox Propaganda is looking into this right now.
more reason to really question everything you see and hear and don’t take it at face value.
The political powers that be must be losing their minds over this. Scary. Whenever I see a thing like this, I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if somebody like Hitler had this kind of technology.
Crazy. Who needs actors anymore?