A Rare Look At The First Ikegami Color Studio Camera…The TK 301
A Rare Look At The First Ikegami Color Studio Camera…The TK 301
It’s good thing our Australian pals had a few too many pints one night in the early 70s, otherwise, we would not have had what I think is only the second video sighting of the first Ikegami color studio camera.
This is a “love story” between an Ikegami HL 77 and the TK 301. This was shot at the GLV8 studios and the only other surviving video of an Ikegami TK 301 also comes from there on a studio tour video that I have posted here in the past. The TK 301 and TK 355 were the only two TK models made by Ikegami before they changed to the HK prefix.
By the way, HL is short for their portable “Handy Looky” line and HK is short for “Handy Kamera”. The RCA TK prefix is thought to stand for “Television Kamera”…Kamera is the Russian spelling of camera and is thought to have come from Vladimir Zworykin. Thanks to Steve Bradford for the clip. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
This is a love story we put together one friday night after the pub. It was created by myself and a very talented cameraman Michael Maxwell. It’s a love stor…
Remember when we got a shoulder mount Ike at Channel 47? We thought we’d hit the big time! I can still see Jim Konteleon doing his editorials out around town.
I wonder if that HL77 was thinking, “Daddy?” 😛
This is the Ikegami TK 301, fist used by Japan’s NHK Network in 1970.