An Exclusive From The Eddie Brinkmann Archives…Part 3
On February 13, 2014
- TV History
An Exclusive From The Eddie Brinkmann Archives…Part 3
Written by Sullivan himself, here is the 1953 ‘Variety’ 5th Anniversary article. In his own words, Ed tells us how the show came to be, but near the end, Sullivan talks about hosting a 1947 charity event that he says was the first CBS remote and swears that he did not know that both he (as MC) and the event was on television. This is a high resolution scan but if you have trouble reading it, hold the Control button and hit the + button a couple of times. Control and – takes you back to regular screen size.
I think “blog” is actually “biog” as in biography.
To see this better, open the page…hold down Control button and hit the + key a few times. Control – gets you back.
Interesting quote from the article: “But as Walt Disney said about his own organization during his TV blog on our show…”
What do you suppose Ed meant by “blog” back then? Certainly didn’t have its current meaning.
This was too small for me to read – is there a text version somewhere?