AT LONG LAST! A Camera Retirement ‘Party’!
On August 9, 2013
- TV History
AT LONG LAST! A Camera Retirement ‘Party’!
The fine folks at WPEN in Green Bay, Wisconsin were thoughtful enough to give their HK 357s a fond farewell after 22 years of faithful service! I’ve never seen anything like this, have you?
Andy Moore: “See this? It’s a camera. But not just any camera. It’s an Ikegami HK 357. It had a life expectancy of eight years when the station bought it. Th…
superceded by those Sonys. Soon to be replaced with handycams.
…and made it through many rough years in the WHA-TV Remote Truck–one of the cameras (#3) tumbled down the end-zone bleachers at Camp Randall (football stadium for the Badgers), and we managed to still get it working for the game, though with a small monitor attached somehow to the top to replace the smashed viewfinder!!
I had two 357As. Great camera.
Didn’t mention the replacement although I suspect it would be an HD camera. AND if they treat the new one well it may last half as long.
22 years !!! They must have been well maintained… Needless to say !
How cool was that boys and girls.
Of course the question is begging… what did they replace it with? I assume the station went HD at that time?
And actually the video is from the WHA-TV studios in Madison. Both stations, and four others, are part of the Wisconsin Public Television Network.
call sign is WPNE
Then they pulled the plug, and it died.
So who got the camera?