Backstage With Jack Paar..”Tonight”, December 7, 1958

Backstage With Jack Paar..”Tonight”, December 7, 1958

Today is the anniversary of Paar’s debut as host of the show and to help celebrate, here is a rare treat is in the form of a “New York Times” article by John Shanley gives us a look behind the scenes of “Tonight” with Paar as host. That I know of, there is no online kene footage of Paar hosting the show from The Hudson Theater, and there are very few photos from the Hudson years.

Below left is the full article, but that is hard to read, so I cut the article into two pieces which makes it easier to read.

On January 12, 1959, the show began being videotaped for playback the same day. In January of 1960, the show moved from The Hudson to NBC Studio 6B and color broadcasts began September 19, 1960. Thanks to Paul Jacobs for the article. Enjoy! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Cliff Johnson July 29, 2016

    I remember that first night! How can that be?

  2. Robert Barker July 29, 2016

    And as far as we know not ONE strip of videotape remains, and most of the kines are really bad since they were b&w kines of a color monitor. All those guests, all that talk, gone.