Beatles 50th Sullivan Anniversary Count Down…12 Days

Beatles 50th Sullivan Anniversary Count Down…12 Days

Here’s the HUGE SURPRISE I promised yesterday! Who knew that CBS had sent one of their early hand held video cameras to Miami to get shots for the February 16, 1964 ‘Ed Sullivan Show’? I just found this awesome photo a few days ago and it is the first time I have ever seen one of these cameras used on anything other than space shots. I’ve never even seen one of these prototype cameras in use at a sporting event. This photo was taken at the morning sound check which was followed by a dress rehearsal and finally that night’s show. This is one of about 6 cameras Ikegami built in a partnership with CBS Engineering around 1962. Unlike the RCA/NBC portables, I think this has an Image Orthicon tube and not a Vidicon.



  1. Scott Richardson February 4, 2014

    Thanks Charles Park Seward

  2. Richard Wirth February 2, 2014

    It looks like all that the cameraman is carrying is the IO tube and a lens!

  3. Charles Park Seward January 30, 2014

    AKG mics

  4. Scott Richardson January 29, 2014

    Does anyone know what type of microphones CBS used for the vocals. They always intrigued me with those windscreens used with them.

  5. Michael Krupnick January 28, 2014

    Chuck’s lieutenant there was Art Mairose. Between the two, anything was possible. I later designed the logo for Art’s QuadOne in Burbank…gratis, of course, in keeping with the spirit and the reverence I will feel perennially for these two quiet giants of the industry.

  6. Michael Krupnick January 28, 2014

    True innovation starts humbly: my mentor the late Chuck Adams modified a standard video input modulator for 1200/2000 quad VTRs wielding tweezers and a soldering iron and gave the design to Ampex for the sake of progress — not a penny of profit for himself. Who does ANY of that now?

  7. Michael Krupnick January 28, 2014


  8. James M Patterson January 28, 2014

    Nice clean cutting, too.

  9. Eyes Of A January 28, 2014

    This is a second shot from sound check that shows this camera at the far right, making this the 7th camera in use on the show. All the rest were RCA TK30s.