“Big Bang Theory”….THE ANSWERS TO, The Stair Case Mysteries
This article and the two videos will answer three questions many of us have about the “Big Bang” set and, the plot line too.
1. Is the staircase set a multi story set shot with a jib?
2. If not, is the stage raised or is there a hole in the floor?
3. Will the elevator ever be fixed?
You are about to find out, but I have to say, these question has intrigued me as much as the MAD Magazine “Schuster’s Fork” optical illusion of the 1960s.
Before I give you the answer, take a look at this short but sweet trip down the stairs from top to bottom, and it will answer Question 1.
As you see, it is a single set with two stair cases, but a single landing. Since the 4th floor is where all the action is, if long stair climbs are needed, the landing is redressed for each floor as the actors ascend or descend.
That still doesn’t answer the big (bang) question though, so let’s look a great tour of the set with Howard and Rahesh, with the stairs at 3:29.
With the camera dollies rolling down what looks like a concrete floor, it is beginning to look like maybe it is not a raised set, right? But if it is not…what about the hole? Was it there, or did “Big Bang” make it?
Here is the answer: When the pilot episode was shot, the project was done on Stage 25, which is one of the biggest and best on the Warner lot. To build the stairs, they had to dig a hole in the floor, which caused some friction, but it turned out to be a good thing for the bangers.
After the series was bought, Warner wanted to assign them a smaller stage. Creator Chuck Lorre said OK, “but we’ll have to dig a new hole there too”. With that, Warner let them stay on Stage 25.
As for Question 3, the answer is NO! The walks up and down the stairs are to useful as a plot device as it gives the writers a chance to tell parts of the story that would be hard to tell elsewhere. Now we all know! -Bobby Ellerbee
If you look closely, you’ll notice that the wall lights never change. The markings on the glass are always the same.
Stair shots were done as pick-ups.
I always thought that the last episode would end with the repair guys finally showing up.
Actually the pilot for “TBBT” was done twice. Once on Stage 24 and the second time on Stage 25 so yes, two holes.
In 2008, I was in the audience for a Big Bang taping. Though the sets are laid out along a long side of the stage (so that the audience can see all the action), the sets are not very deep. I figured that only about half the width of the stage is used, even though it is enormous.
Is there a slide in the back so they can get down quickly to climb back up again?
My Big Bang theory idea . They build the rocket come back Beranadette baby is now a teenager
When the series finally ends it’s run, they should have Jennifer Aniston come up in the elevator looking dumbfounded.
They recently missed a golden opportunity to have Christopher Lloyd reprise his “Reverend Jim” role from “Taxi”.
Instead just making him a random homeless person.
Thank you for this incredible Christmas gift! Crazy as it sounds, i’ve been wondering on and off for months exactly what happens in the staircase scenes. I figured it was the same staircase, but was it a raised set? did they have a trapdoor in the stage? sitcoms in general are shot at stage level. The stage hands must be fairly with a redress between floors, but now this makes me wonder how involved and fast the ground floor set, which is signifcantly different is it redressed…or is it a separate set altogether?
In any event…..thanks for solving the mystery…..and you’re far from a meddling kid….:)
Here is the MAD optical illusion I was referring to…remember this maddening image?