By Request: A Look At NBC Burbank, Studio 1…1963
On November 21, 2014
- TV History
By Request: A Look At NBC Burbank, Studio 1…1963
The first :45 seconds of this pilot for ‘Let’s Make A Deal’ gives us a nice wide angle shot Studio 1, which would later become Johnny Carson’s home. Notice the RCA TK41 still has three cables and is mounted on the old Houston Fearless TD 1 pedestal and it’s fitted with a Zoomar Studio lens. Thanks to Ed Mitchell for requesting this. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
This 37 minute pilot, produced on May 25, 1963 with Monty Hall as host and Wendell Niles as announcer/sidekick, led to the premiere of Let’s Make a Deal on N…
The audience members weren’t wearing Halloween costumes in those days. I wonder when that started?
Three cables then and now many studio cameras have none.
Can anyone identify Monte’s mic? To me it looks like a BK1A