A Video Visit To NBC Brooklyn Studios, 1967
On November 25, 2014
- TV History, Viewseum
By Request…A Visit To NBC Brooklyn Studios, 1967
Here, you’ll see the great RCA TK41s in action at NBC Brooklyn. The date was March 13, 1966 and the production was ‘The Bell Telephone Hour’. That episode was “The Music Of The Movies” and in the clip you’ll see (Oz scarecrow) Ray Bolger and a young Peter Marshall. I’m not sure if this is Studio I or II, but it looks big enough to be I.
This is for our friends Russell Ross and Frank Gaeta, both long time NBC and TK41 veteran cameramen. I think Frank is in the dark sweater with the white collar on a ped camera. That may be Don Mulvaney on the crane? Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
Talking about the Bell System reminds me, especially this week, of the Hudson’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit. WJBK did the pickup for CBS. We had balanced 124 Ohm cable to most origination points but not this street location. We had to use microwave. But we didn’t have a clear shot to the roof of the 21 story Bell building. We could however bounce the signal off of the 45 story Penobscot building and it worked just fine. Too many stories and not enough tine.
I have always respected the Bell System for their unflinching dedication to service quality. Their “Bell System Practices” documents are definitely models of quality worthy of emulation.