By Request…Historic Kinescope Footage & The Machine Itself
On January 24, 2015
- TV History
By Request…Historic Kinescope Footage & The Machine Itself
Several people asked to see more on the kinescope process, so here from NBC’s KNBH in Hollywood, is a look at some early kine images starting with some of the first Iconoscope images from 1938. I think this report was probably done in early 1949.
Also seen here, the kine recordings of the first broadcast using the RCA TK30 Image Orthicon cameras in June of 1946 at the Joe Lewis – Billy Conn rematch at Yankee Stadium. Near the end, we’ll get a look at RCA’s latest Kine in action. Videotape couldn’t come soon enough. Enjoy and share! – Bobby Ellerbee
I believe RCA exhibited a 240-line spotlight TV system at the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair. I’ve seen a kinescope made at that fair (I think is was on the TV series “Television” that aired maybe 20 years ago). But they played it at 24 fps, which made the announcer sound like he was breathing helium. I think the frame rate of the 240 line system was 20 fps, as was the kinescope made from it. Does anyone have any more information about this system or this recording? I can’t find anything on the web. I know I’ve seen a picture of an RCA “Camera” from this exhibit (actually a photoelectric cell in a wooden cabinet).
Thanks for sharing this, Tuscunini segment was especially cool…I wonder if that was shot in studio 8H.
That’s great seeing TV images from the earliest days. Even though it’s a copy of a copy, the boxing looked much better than I would have expected.