Chicagoland Television Icons

Chicagoland Television Icons

Perhaps the only major 50s personality missing in this photo is Hugh Downs who was at WBKB when this was made, but joined the NBC staff the next year. 1 is the staff of ‘Kukla, Fran and Ollie’. 2 is the staff of ‘Stud’s Place’ with Studs Terkel. 3 is the staff of ‘Garroway At Large’. 4 is handyman Walt Durbhab of ‘Walt’s Workshop’. 5 is Clint Youle, the Casual Weatherman. 6 is Cliff Norton, Garroway’s funnyman. 7 is Dave Garroway, and 8 is Jules Hernuveaux, NBC’s Chicago Director of Network Operations.



  1. Gary Walters November 18, 2013

    Was that the studio where the NBC Orchestra did one of the first musical numbers with Hammerstein on Garroway at Large in the late 40’s?

  2. James M Patterson September 16, 2013

    One busy studio.