Dale Walsh 1
On July 23, 2012
- TV History
Dale Walsh 1
I love these two shots Dale sent of him at work with the TK41s. This one is in Fort Worth at the Colonial Country Club shooting golf in 1968. Go ahead Dale…stand on the box if you need to.
Dale is such a veteran cameraman that when he retired from ABC in Hollywood after 45 years, they calculated that he had an extra…get ready…15 years of overtime!
Roy, the TK40/41 had three IO tubes. The TK42/43 as used at KRON-TV had one IO for luminance and three vidicons for chrominance. Come to think of it, I don’t think any TV station or production facility in San Francisco ever had TK40/41s.
Well I very well may have met Dale there at Colonial as I grew up in Ft. Worth. I remember the ABC trucks parked on Mockingbird Lane near Simondale Drive every year. I don’t recall the exact date I went to the mobile units and pestered somebody for a tour, but it was around 1968 or so. They had 12 TK 41’s and 3 GE’s when I was there IIRC (or maybe that number is reversed). Colonial was always the big event and still is in Ft. Worth.
A 4 tube color camera. RCA wouldn’t give up on that huge IO tube until Norelco took the business away from them with their 3 tube camera.
I remember wearing those ‘pegged’ pants. I was a junior in high school when this photo was taken.
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