Elvis Presley’s Television Debut…’The Dorsey Brothers Stage Show’
Elvis Presley’s Television Debut…’The Dorsey Brothers Stage Show’
Most think that Elvis made his television debut on ‘The Ed Sullivan Show; but actually, this was his first nationwide appearance…over seven months before his first Sullivan show. Coincidentally, both the Dorsey and Sullivan shows came from CBS Studio 50.
Between January 28 and March 24, 1956, Presley appeared on the Dorsey brothers’ show six Saturday nights in a row. This video is Elvis Presley’s television debut on January 28th.
The four appearance contract, which was negotiated by the William Morris Agency, contained an option for two more appearances. When they were later picked up, Presley’s fee was raised from $1,200 per show to $1,500 per show.
Elvis was respectful of Tommy Dorsey when the two met for rehearsals at New York Nola Studios before Presley’s initial January 28 appearance. At the rehearsal, Jackie Gleason, who produced the Dorsey show said, “I don’t like this guy.” Dorsey disagreed. “I like his kisser,” he told Gleason. “Don’t worry about him. He’s going to be one of the biggest names in show business in a short time.” Dorsey knew talent when he saw it.
There was some irony in Tommy Dorsey providing Elvis a national stage to build his popularity. Presley would soon surpass Dorsey as the biggest-selling recording artist in RCA history. Still, Tommy Dorsey remained an advocate for Elvis.
“I don’t particularly care for his type of music,” Dorsey told a reporter in Charlotte, “but that’s the teen-agers’ choice and if they like it we’ll give it to them. Only time will tell if he has any lasting qualities. The kids want Elvis now and they should be able to have him.”
Enjoy and share! – Bobby Ellerbee
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xu6tjv_19560128-elvis-presley-dorsey-brothers-stage-show-1_musicElvis Presley’s 1st National Television Appearence