Even More ‘Match Game’ Follies…The Oldest Trick In The Book
On September 1, 2014
- TV History
Even More ‘Match Game’ Follies…The Oldest Trick In The Book
As we all know, if nothing else works…banging on the side of the TV, or even the camera usually does it! Enjoy and share! – Bobby Ellerbee
A behind-the-scenes look at how Christina the cameraman keeps Camera 3 working with a bang during a game round.
Gene Rayburn treated each show as though it was live. Johnny Carson did, too!
I really don’t remember but I think the banging came from behind me, somewhere backstage and the director probably Marc Breslow was roaring at me on headset to ‘act like I was banging on the camera’.
I liked the camera-person! Very cute girl!
Gene Rayburn was such a fun guy to work with. I had several on cameras on that show as Gene really liked women and I think he knew I got a great pay bump when I was on camera. He had a bunch of fun regulars on the panel like Charles Nelson Riley and I remember that Gene’s two teenage sons use to hang out back stage.
I am a but curious as to what would cause such a malfunction in a PC-60?
Back in the NY days of Carson, one night during the monologue you heard a loud bang and Carson just stopped cold and then as the director cut to the camera operator Johnny joked that NBC had the best camera repairmen in the biz.
The cameraman was around 60 and had white hair and the camera in question was a TK-41.
thats how i get my tired ole macbook 2 work..works on most everything electronic..but the wife…not so much (LOL)
Percussive maintenance.