FANTASTIC! Behind The Scenes…ABC Sports, October 4, 1975

FANTASTIC! Behind The Scenes…ABC Sports, October 4, 1975

With college football back in the air, it’s time to replay this best ever look at how 60 men brought 30 million viewers these great games every Saturday. “Second’s To Play” is presented here in two 15 minute segments.

This is the most extensive look you’ll ever get of how ABC Sports crews covered the games in this era. Norelco PC 70s and hand held PCP 90s are in use with our friend Don “Peaches” Langford on the sidelines. Enjoy and SHARE! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. James Stanley Barr September 11, 2014

    The height of the Roone Arledge era at ABC Sports….

  2. John Schipp September 11, 2014

    The young AD at commercial control in NY is famed director/producer Roger Goodman.

  3. John Schipp September 11, 2014

    Seems like old times.

  4. Gilvani Moletta September 11, 2014

    Que animal….!!!!!

  5. Mark Vidonic September 11, 2014

    I know it’s minor, but I get a chuckle out of the blown commercial. Chuck clearly called for it and then threw everyone else under the bus.