Johnny Carson Punks Joan Rivers! RARE MUST SEE VIDEO!
On September 5, 2014
- TV History
FANTASTIC! Johnny Carson Punks Joan Rivers! RARE MUST SEE VIDEO!
I had never seen this till just this morning and bet that you never have either. This is one of the most elaborate practical jokes ever and you’ll love the very end too! Thanks to John Marelli for sending this along. Enjoy and share! – Bobby Ellerbee
#t=205″ target=”_blank”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BainzD2lKmk #t=205
Johnny Carson plays an elaborate practical joke on Joan Rivers (about 1983). Because of her many jokes about the British Royal Family, Johnny Carson hires Br…
Joan should have called Johnny first and most likely he would have said congrats and good luck.
I can said that with a high degree of confidence because after Joey Bishop’s show on ABC failed, Bishop became a guest host again on Tonight.
The ending does portray the future of their friendship.