Steve Allen Special…Singing Tour Of NBC Burbank
On October 17, 2014
- TV History, Viewseum
Special Updated Version Of NBC Burbank Stroll!
In yesterday’s post of the Jimmy Fallon record release, I mentioned that he was not the first ‘Tonight’ host to have a record charted in Billboard Magazine. Steve Allen was, and here is the song that he wrote and recorded in a very special television version!
This is the original 1958 footage of the famous stroll through NBC Burbank updated in 2013 with a present day look to the same route. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
I miss the old place… I am getting ready for the 19th Annual NBC Reunion Dinner… “A fond farewell to NBC – Burbank and Bon Voyage to the Tonight Show now in New York!
I love that! Steve was sooooo talented. WHen I was a senior in HS, our class trip was to CA from IL. We toured Burbank studio which was so cool. Last December I went to one of the last Leno shows, just for old time’s sake 🙂
Two questions. Was that really Frank Sinatra? Hard to tell from the Kinescope. Question #2. Are there any tapes of Steve Allen’s syndicated Westinghouse show? I’ve seen the Frank Zappa clip and a few other clips at the Museum of TV and Radio, but none on You Tube.
What a great idea to video-trace the steps of this great production number.
Freakin’ magnificent! I was never completely certain which path they took until this new video. Wonderful memories of working that facility!
Enjoyed Steve’s talent !
I am glad they did this.
Steve Allen was a really nice and kind man…. I was witness to him talking with young children about their goals… Class Act.
as a 13 year old , I wrote to Steve in 1966 and he sent me a copy of the Sheet Music which I had him autograph in 1982 He asked me where I got the sheet and told him that he sent it to me 16 years earlier.
Man, that was good!
Super! Thanks for sharing this!