Halloween Special #1…Rare Frankenstein Color Footage

Halloween Special #1…Rare Frankenstein Color Footage

This is a short color home movie clip shot by Boris Karloff’s wife who took this on the set of ‘The Son Of Frankenstein’ in December of 1939. In it, we see Karloff goofing and playing with Universal’s top monster makeup man, Jack Pierce. There will be much more on Pierce in the next post.

This was the third and final Frankenstein role for Karloff and he and Pierce had been working together since Pierce first developed this classic look in 1931 for ‘Frankenstein’. Their second together was ‘The Bride Of Frankenstein’ in 1935. They both cooperated on the design of the now iconic make-up, with Karloff removing a dental plate to create an indentation on one side of the Monster’s face. He also endured four hours of make-up under Pierce’s hand each day, during which time his head was built up with cotton, collodion and gum, and green greasepaint (designed to look pale on black and white film) was applied to his face and hands. The finished product was universally acclaimed, and has since become the commonly accepted visual representation of Mary Shelley’s creation. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. George Wolff October 29, 2014

    You call that a little off the top????

  2. Lynn Walker October 29, 2014

    The great makeup man Jack Pierce!!

  3. Alan Gardner October 29, 2014

    More like Floyd’s evil twin! He’s a scary looking follow without any makeup.

  4. Mike Medrano October 29, 2014

    Wonderful footage. Beautiful 16mm Kodachrome.

  5. Bob Knack October 29, 2014

    I said leave it long on top!

  6. Lou Spinnazola October 29, 2014

    Love it!

  7. Heather Perry October 29, 2014

    Brilliant post thanks!

  8. Albert J. McGilvray October 29, 2014

    Is that Floyd the barber?