‘I’ve Got A Secret’…Tour Of CBS Studio 59, June 17, 1959
On June 19, 2014
- TV History
‘I’ve Got A Secret’…Tour Of CBS Studio 59, June 17, 1959
Fifty five years ago this week, ‘I’ve Got A Secret’ was celebrating it’s seventh anniversary on the air at CBS. To mark the occasion, Garry Moore takes us on a tour of The Mansfield Theater, better known to us as CBS Studio 59 at 256 West 47th Street. As you’ll see, CBS Studio 62, The Biltmore Theater is across the street at 261 West 47th Street. Enjoy and share!
The 7th anniversary episode opens with a tour of the theater on 47th Street.
Live music for a games show.
I am impressed with the lenght of the mic cable.
Very kewl find. Brook Atkinson Theater is the name of the “Studio” today. and the Biltmore across the street suffered, suffered sever fire damage in 1987 and was reconstructed by the Manhattan Theatre Club and is now the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre. 🙂
Cute that he gets free cigarettes, and would often smoke on the air. Not cute that he later got throat cancer.
Shades of Dave Letterman!
love it …thanks so much !
Free cigarettes for the audience!