January 14, 1952…’Today’ Debuts On NBC…First In More Than One Way
January 14, 1952…’Today’ Debuts On NBC…First In More Than One Way
Today, was network television’s first ever morning show, and is where some of the state of the art technology was first used.
First, I am sure this is the first time the new Houston Fearless TD 3 counter-weighted pedestals were ever used. There are no photos of them before this day in 1952, and I think there are two prototypes on the set. All the other peds are the old TD 1 crank up peds.
Second, I think this is also the first use of the new RCA camera mounted teleprompter. There appear to be two in use on the debut…one on a camera with the new TD 3 ped and one on a camera on a TD 1 ped. Notice they are strapped to the cameras and not permanently attached. I think these two prototypes had come in a week or two before and were tested on The Martha Ray Show.
Happy Birthday ‘Today’! Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
I think this is Harry Katzman, who after a couple of years on camera, worked as senior video man for 16 years on ‘Today’.Here’s the new RCA Electa Zoom and the new teleprompter. I’m not sure if that is an RCA logo on the prompter or not. Could that be the TelePrompter logo? Notice the great magnifying lens. It seems that cameramen were taking turns operating the cameras with the prompter.
With is his back to us on the right is our friend Frank Merklein who was a part of the debut broadcast.
Here’s the second teleprompter on a TK30 mounted on the old TD 1 pedestal. That sure looks like the RCA logo on the prompter in this photo.
Here’s a shot of the studio from across the street at 30 Rock. Notice the hi position camera against the window.
I started my career in film editing on this very show. I worked for The News department in N Y. In 1950. I assisted camermen, sound men and film staff. Always wanted to be film editor, Was hired as editing room assistant two weeks prior to start of show for practice runs. I’m 85 yrs now old now, is any one else around that I might know?
Since it is the anniversary of Today, here is a great looking kinescope from 1956, showing a jazz piano player and the people outside. Look for a Floor Manager outside with a headset.http://youtu.be/Sm02YKi6rOc
It could be for the Starmaker. It is not in the the hard bound 1950 catalog but is in the 1954 audio only catalog. The 1955 catalog includes several new microphones including the BK-5 boom mike and the BK-6 lavelier which would do away with the need for the chest mounted BK-4.
The paper Teleprompter reminds me of the old way Today would involved local station call signs with weather updates, inside a cut out of the 48 United States. Those were shown during what normally were local commercial breaks. If a local station did not have enough revenue running, that station could rejoin the network and show forecasts of other cities.
Could this also be the First use of the RCA BK-4A Starmaker microphone? This is also the First time I have ever seen one with a body harness.