Judy Garland Christmas Special…1963
On December 21, 2013
- TV History
Judy Garland Christmas Special…1963
From Studio 43 at CBS Television City, here’s the whole on hour special complete with commercials and notice how FEW there were back then, only 8 minutes per hour. I think this was shot with their new Marconi Mark IV b/w cameras. Enjoy!
In this charming live holiday TV special Judy is joined by her children, Liza Minnelli and Lorna and Joey Luft, and guest stars Jack Jones and Mel Torme. The…
The new Marconi IV’s looked great on these shows. This is how to do Black and White.
Just one of the Garland shows that are on the Pioneer DVD collection. I have all the episodes. They should be required viewing for anyone wanting to be an entertainment show director. They would often do a number with one shot. That way the performance shows through and you are not distracted by over cutting-Can you say, Sound of Music-Live.
The NAB had rules about non-program material. CBS’s adherence was one of my responsibilities during the sixties.
Well, that was an hour well spent. Yet the final graphic reads “Pre-recorded at CBS Television City”.
Nope, I don’t have this one in my news feed.
Still dissolving in the graphics at the open.
What was great about this video? Only one camera shot for just over 3 minutes on the opening song. Won’t find that today on any specials.