June 15, 1969…Hee Haw’ Debuts On CBS
On June 15, 2014
- TV History
June 15, 1969…;Hee Haw’ Debuts On CBS
This 6 minute news story from Cincinnati’s WKRC from 1979 gives us a very indepth look at how the show was done. It was taped at CBS owned WLAC in Nashville twice a year in six week blocks.
‘Hee Haw’, began as a summer replacement show for ‘The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour’ and lived on for twenty more years. Although CBS dropped the show in it’s famous “rural purge” in 1971, the show went into syndication and much to the chagrin of CBS, was picked up by most of their affiliates.
Country classic TV series “Hee Haw”, a look behind scenes with reporter Janet Davies in 1979. George Lindsey who played Goober on Andy Griffith Show makes an…
WLAC/WTVF wasn’t a CBS O&O.
And in its final days was taped at TNN studios.
Don’t look now but a bunch of people with Upstate SC connections have hijacked this thread.
In 1975, I visited the TV station, wishing to see where Hee-Haw was produced. At the time, WLAC had just changed its call letters to WTVF, the CBS affiliate in Nashville. The studio was big and impressive, as I recall. I saw standing sets for Hee-Haw, which had by then already become a top-rated syndicated show. WTVF is one of America’s great TV stations, along with WSM-TV, also in Nashville.
Didn’t know they used those GE cameras…4 tube jobs if I remember. Needed a lot a light.
As kids, we always watched it. Sure, we liked Led Zepplin and the Beatles, but I think, for pure entertainment, and ease of access to the music, it was just as loved as the other venues we had.
Yep, Jody, as I’m sure you know, it was a 7 pm Saturday staple on WSPA while WLOS was running Lawrence Welk….WFBC/WYFF might as well run test patterns.
Fun Fact: Producer Sam Luvallo, is the father of former NY Yankee Tory Luvallo.
Still in reruns on RFD TV.
Great piece, especially for today… My dad loved this show. Seeing it floods back memories of sitting around our old apartment and laughing at the corniest of the corny.
One of my favorites was with Grandpaw washing windows and the crowd yells, “Hey Grandpaw, what’s for supper?” He’s proceed to stick his hands through the empty panes and describe a down home supper. It was the same joke every time, and I loved it!
Just for fun, here’s Jr. Samples trying to say “trigonometry” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjfY_gjYex0