Just For Fun…Be Ready To LOL!

Just For Fun…Be Ready To LOL!

I don’t know if all of these clips made it to air or not, but I’m glad they didn’t die on the tape room floor. These are all great, but John Davidson gets things rolling, and at 3:00, Marty Allen has one of my all time favorite answers. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. John Flanagan December 4, 2016

    Thanks Bobby! Most I’ve seen but the clips I haven’t just made Sunday morning!

  2. Kurt W. Krauss December 4, 2016


  3. Darlene Acosta December 3, 2016

    Loved that show and Paul Lynde was the best!!

  4. Katharine Isbell December 3, 2016

    Oh, i like your political posts.

  5. Vahan Nisanian December 3, 2016

    2:08 might be from the hour-long shows from November 1975.

  6. Chris Dale December 3, 2016

    Oh, those were the days!

  7. Ginger Mead Whitson December 3, 2016

    Nice share – good laugh

  8. Scott Snailham December 3, 2016

    anyone know what those mics were? always wondered…look like sennheisers.

  9. Preston Holcomb December 3, 2016

    Just made the mistake of watching this while eating breakfast. I almost choked.