Letterman Pulls Curtain on Holiday Tradition
Later Today…Some Letterman Christmas Traditions Come To An End
If the usual “twofer Thursday” taping schedule holds true today, Dave’s Friday show will be taped this afternoon, a couple of hours after they tape the episode for tonight. On tomorrow night’s show, we’ll see Darlene Love, Jay Thomas and the Christmas tree target practice traditions for the last time.
Whether we see it on camera or not, there will be a lot of emotions flowing in Studio 50 today. All our best wishes to the many that make this show, and to the many that, since day one, have helped make it a landmark. There’s more in this ABC News article. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
Letterman Pulls Curtain on Holiday Tradition
With the curtain soon to fall on David Letterman’s late-night television career, the end comes Friday for an odd and emotional holiday tradition that involves comic Jay Thomas, the Lone Ranger, a giant meatball and, most indelibly, singer Darlene Love. Love will sing “Christmas (Baby Please…
Here is the now famous Letterman camera lean during his warm up a few days ago. Notice the banged and dented top of the Camera 2 lens. Every night in warm up, Dave comes out swinging a mic and with practiced aim, lands it on the lens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amCCdtZJ-Wg