Look Sharp…Feel Sharp…Be Sharp!
On January 13, 2013
- TV History
Look Sharp…Feel Sharp…Be Sharp!
That was the Gillette Razor ad copy and I still remember it, and the great opening music of the Cavalcade Of Sports show like it was yesterday. I used to watch this with my dad on Friday nights. Here’s the intro…enjoy.
Featuring the Look Sharp March 1958
Sharpie asked: “How are ya fixed blades?” http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Sharpie+gilette&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=sharpie+gilette&sc=0-12&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=3094789730F120247ECACF0E1A65223B0B006EC8&selectedIndex=1
I would guess abc’s wide world was loosely based on this?
Friday nights at my grandpa’s house, this is what was always on. The jingle for Gillette razors (along with the “How Are You Fixed for Blades?” jingle) was written by Mahlon Merrick, who also was Jack Benny’s conductor on radio (Phil Harris didn’t really lead the band for several years) and TV.