Mechanical Television
On October 23, 2013
- TV History
Another Mini Masterpiece From Richard Wirth
Here’s another very well done article from Richard on mechanical television. Just think, had this system endured, I wonder if we could have had mechanics making house calls to tune up the car and TV on the same trip? :>)
Mechanical television. Does that mean motors, pulleys, gears and other moving parts? Why, yes. It does.
Used to have one in my office in Burbank. Not the specific one in the picture. A friend stored it there, along with other cool things*. Wish I knew what the model was, it had a cathedral radio style wood cabinet. He had built it from a kit in the mid thirties, when he was working in the RKO trick dept.
*Such as the glass paintings from the title sequence of West Side Story.
I’ll plug another excellent resource, the Narrow Band TV organization in the UK, which is geared toward modern-day experimenters. A handful of hams stateside are interested in 32 line Amateur TV, per their Baird-derived standard. de K7VLX http://www.nbtv.org/