Here, back to back, are two :60 second promo’s from NBC, touting their color abilities in the mid 1960s. You have to give them and RCA credit as the leaders in color. No one was better, but unfortunately, when these transfers were made from film to video a few years ago, the master prints had sufferd some major fading and these did not look at all “perfect”. Thanks to our NBC bretheren, we are able to verify that the director shown in the first promo is the great sports director Harry Coyle and the lighting director in the second promo is Bill Klages.
We’ve had some help from our friend Marc Wielage, who is a master Hollywood colorist, to help these look better. Marc says the 16mm print had turned magenta over time and there are basicly no greens or blues left, but with his careful touch, these rare gems do look much better than they did when we sent them to him. In addition to Marc’s help, many thanks to Mike Clark in Los Angeles for finding these in the first place.