November 4, 1980…ABC Readies For Election Night, Behind The Scenes
November 4, 1980…ABC Readies For Election Night, Behind The Scenes
This WABC news clip from November 4, 1980 takes us behind the scenes at ABC’s TV 2 studio in New York as network coverage of the Carter, Reagan, Anderson presidential election nears.
As you may have read in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times article posted here, it was 40 years ago that NBC became the first to use the colorized maps in the 1976 election, and this was the first year ABC and CBS used them, but all were not on the same “color page”. It would take another 16 years for eveyone to agree on Blue for Democrats, and Red for Republicans. Voted yet? -Bobby Ellerbee
Channel 7 Eyewitness News (WABC-TV) Political Correspondent Roger Sharp takes viewers behind the scenes of ABC’s 1980 Election Night coverage.
How We at ABC Covered the Elections 36 years ago this was ABC-TV2 Now home for THE CHEW and we Are Using TSS/TV-3 and TV-1 this Year
I voted early last week, now just waiting for the results.
Remember that night as if it were yesterday!
I thought they switched it every cycle until 2000, which was the one that cemented the current orientation