October 25, 1982…’Newhart’ Debuts On CBS

October 25, 1982…’Newhart’ Debuts On CBS

You are in for a big surprise as you watch this! It’s the ‘Newhart’ pilot and was the first episode to air…it’s shot on videotape! I think the switch to film came after the first season. This may have been shot with the CBS spec Hitachi cameras at Studio City. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Gordon Cummings October 27, 2014

    The dream begins…If you saw the last episode, you know what I mean

  2. Jay Rich October 26, 2014

    Certainly shows the limited quality of font generators in that day.

  3. Jay Rich October 26, 2014

    I loved it when shows actually had an opening and finished up with the credits before the story line. Now some stick the opening after the first commercial. Nothing to say “get ready…here I come”.

  4. Mickey Martin October 26, 2014

    Amazing, the videotape image somehow changes your perception, more like a live theater play. Does this phenomena have a name?

  5. Mark Teboe October 26, 2014

    I’ll drink to that!

  6. James Stanley Barr October 25, 2014

    No matter what we all think……one thing about “Newhart” is clear…..the best TV series finale ever.

  7. Danny Skarka October 25, 2014

    The look of the video episodes is not very good. I don’t think the lighting designed helped. The set was two stories (which they never seemed to use more than once or twice) so maybe grid height had something to do with the poor look. Other taped shows looked better.

  8. Edward Faucette October 25, 2014


  9. Kipp Teague October 25, 2014

    I recall too that the switch to film came with the second season.

  10. James Stanley Barr October 25, 2014

    “Newhart” was done entirely on tape for its first season, switching to film for its second season in the fall of 83. I like the filmed episodes better…..they have a homey look to them compared to the first season episodes.