Pressure? What Pressure? CBS Sports, Behind The Scenes
On February 14, 2013
- TV History, Viewseum
Pressure? What Pressure?
As you’ll see, getting clips in, edited and on the air for update shows, during multiple basketball games is quite a challenge.
Great glimpse behind the scenes!
The technology has evolved, but most of the people in this clip are still with the show. I helped engineer a remote version of this for the Super Bowl pre game show. Same crew. All great folks.
What us sports fans see is the finished product of many people working hard behind the scenes. Thanks to everyone involved for making it look so good.
It shows how much has changed in just 7 years
On a non-technical note, Cingular and Pontiac don’t exist anymore.
I thought this was old. They are still rolling that stuff we used to call”tape.” You can hear someone say “2 second roll.” A preroll, what’s that?
2006. I googled when Memphis and UCLA were in the Oakland Region together.
Though the pressure hasn’t changed, this video clip is probably close to 10 years old.