Remember Pinkey Lee?
On December 28, 2012
- TV History
Remember Pinkey Lee? I do!
Pincus Leff (May 2, 1907 – April 3, 1993) was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Pee Wee Herman and Pee Wee’s Playhouse is loosely based on Pinkey Lee. I’m not sure but think this was done at KHJ. Anyone know?
I remember watching the show the day he had a medical issue of some sort, possibly a heart attack while on the air, 1954 or 55 this was as I remember.
In Boston (WBZ-TV) January 1955
05:00p Pinky Lee – variety
05:30p Howdy Doody
The prize giveaways seemed like Christmas all year round!
1st time seeing Pinkie, interesting.
Man that guy could dance.
a 21 pie salute!!!
I remember Pink too.