Remember This Classic CBS Holiday ID From 1966?
On December 23, 2014
- TV History
Remember This Classic CBS Holiday ID From 1966?
Back then, R. O. Blechman was best known for his magazine cover designs, especially his many ‘The New Yorker’ covers. CBS commissioned him to design a classy holiday ID with Willis Pyle doing the animation. Thanks to Alec Cumming for sharing this with us. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
Can you believe that there once was a time when network television aired classy holiday interstitials like this ? Designed by R.O. Blechman and animated by W…
I remember! Merry Christmas Pat!
Thank you, Bobby! Happy Holidays!
I remember these…
I LOVED that one as a kid.
I was’nt in the Christmas Spirit until I saw this!
I remember that, from when I was working at KFDA-TV-10 CBS affiliate in Amarillo, Texas.
I have been less than impressed with CBS’ holiday greetings ads in the recent years……shameless network promotion in the mold of Rankin-Bass’ version of Rudolph. I remember the days when CBS was the place for the holiday specials……Charlie Brown, Rudolph, Frosty, Twas the Night Before Christmas, and more.
Loved it then, love it now!
I don’t remember it.
when tv was done right and classy
I was five when that came out and never dreamed that I would spend an entire career working at the CBS Television Network !!
CBS is running holiday ID’s this year, though it would be nice to see this old classic see air again.
Loved this as a kid…and still do.
I don’t recall seeing any generalized network holiday IDs lately. You’d think they could put a wreath around the CBS eye or hang some lights off the peacock’s feathers… or something. Ivan S White is correct. It’s all about the almighty dollar now.
Don’t remember this myself
Remember this well.
I remembered it from the animation style but couldn’t remember what happened. Very nice to see this one again after so long.
Yes, I do remember when networks ran such productions. Now, the networks and cable companies seem more concerned with zombies, vampires, werewolves and other brainless programming. Thanks for this wonderful memory 🙂 .