Rockin’ The 30 Rock Tree, Back In The Day…

Rockin’ The 30 Rock Tree, Back In The Day…

Thanks to John Schipp, here’s a shot from 1966. The trucks are N3 and there’s a TK41 in the center of the shot. The tree lighting used to be carried locally on channel 4 on tape delay. The crowds were so thick that It would take John 30 minutes to carry the videotape from the truck to the tape room on the fifth floor.

Today, there are no mobile units used. The audio and video are linked directly to the Studio 8H control room. Dennis Degan tells me it’s been done this way for several years now. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Dave Miller December 4, 2014

    When Rockefeller Center was renovated some years back landlord Tishman-Speyer worked with NBC to fiber up the whole 30 Rockefeller Plaza area. There are multiple fiber and comms drops all over the place.

  2. Alex Streyer December 4, 2014

    Oh the wonders of fiber…