‘Saturday Night Live’…April 5, 2014 Time Lapse Video
‘Saturday Night Live’…April 5, 2014 Time Lapse Video
This was a great show…the one where Pharrell Williams did “Happy” and Anna Kendrick was guest host, just 4 weeks before my visit. This starts with the audience load in and zooms through 90 minutes in just 2 minutes. As good as this is, this static single camera position leaves a lot of 8H uncovered, especially for sketches on the far left side of the studio. A couple of times there are “long” periods when it’s dark and it looks like there is no action, but those periods are probably when Stage 9 at the far left is in use, or there is a pre taped sketch running that was shot earlier on location. Here is that episode http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/episode-guide/season-39/anna-kendrick-with-pharrell-williams/1658
Watch Studio 8H transform during an episode of Saturday Night Live hosted Anna Kendrick with musical guest Pharrell Williams on April 5, 2014. Get more SNL: …
From this show, here is my new favorite music video. I love watching the kid in the gray pants let it go around 1:44! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFHzmDZcL34&feature=kp