September 16, 1965…”The Dean Martin Show” Debuts On NBC
September 16, 1965…”The Dean Martin Show” Debuts On NBC
This video goes to the heart of why the show was such a big success. It was as spontanious as a taped, network variety show could be, thanks to the unique relationship that Dean and director Greg Garrison had.
The great open secret of The Dean Martin Show was that Dean barely showed up for work. He did for its first season, but the program wasn’t working, and Dean was unhappy with how hard he was working. That was when Greg Garrison, who’d been hired as director only, came up with an idea. To make the show more spontaneous, and to keep Dino interested in doing it at all, he would arrange the schedule so Martin only had to come in one day a week, and not even for the entire day. Rehearsals were done with a stand-in, and everything that didn’t involve Dean was taped when he was nowhere on the premises. There were people who appeared on The Dean Martin Show without ever meeting Dean.
On tape day, Dean would come in, watch a run-through with the stand-in, then go out and replicate the stand-in’s actions. Everything was configured for maximum speed. Dean almost always wore a tuxedo, thereby minimizing costume changes and making it possible for any segment to be edited into any other show. The lines were all on cue cards and the songs, which were performed live, were all tunes that Dean already knew. If something went wrong, Garrison would usually not start over. He’d work some kind of paste-up edit, often inserting a freeze-frame in a manner that made other TV directors wince. Once in a while during a musical number, Dean wouldn’t be able to hear the orchestra and if you watch, you can see him rubbing his ear to signal Garrison to have the audio cranked up a notch. Anyone else would have restarted or edited…but Garrison promised his star he’d be done by 10 PM, and did whatever was necessary to make that happen.
In this particular segment, you’ll see everything you just read demonstrated, but given how this ends, this is one of the few times taping had to stop for a few minutes. Enjoy! -Bobby Ellerbee
with Anna Moffo and Lloyd Bridges and Dean rips his pants LOL
I used to get overstage passes to his tapings. I gotta tell you, Martin was cavorting around the stage with all of his guests. The taping sessions lasted 1 1/2 to 2 hours each time I went. What a joy to attend and be entertained!
Another interesting tidbit……Dean always wanted be positioned if at all possible on the camera left side. Reason is our eyes scan left to right and with that in mind Dean would be the first to be seen in a skit aka the ripped pants scene. Dean was no fool and very smart as he nurtured his skills in night clubs.
Very informative post! Thanks so much!!
Dean Martin and the airline pilot…
What a great show it was!
We don’t have entertainers or shows like these any more. 🙁
I’ve missed you on FB. Nice to see your great posts again!
I edited the Dom DeLuise show in later years for the same Greg Garrison. It was definitely a low budget, turn and burn affair, cranking out shows in short order. Retakes were rare. Many rough pick-ups. Lots of patchwork, as mentioned. Had a couple of iso feeds to cover my butt. Often a challenge though.
My dad Donald Sinex was in Dean’s movie, Who Was That Lady? ( very briefly ). They needed someone to drive a camera truck and my dad was chosen! It was his 15 seconds of fame!
Thanks Bobby! Love Dean Martin. I’ve never seen Lloyd Bridges sing or dance!
One of the segments on the show was when Dino would hop up to sit on the piano and sing a song. Once they used a trick piano that broke apart as he sat on it. Laughed myself silly.
Good grief, how young they look!
Terrific post, love the background info!