Sightseeing #3…The Dean Martin Show? Close, But No Cigar!

Sightseeing #3…The Dean Martin Show? Close, But No Cigar!

Thanks to Chuck Pharis, here is a photo of the recreated Dean Martin set, which I think was used on one of those half hour pitches for Martin CD collections.

Although the set is fake, the RCA TK41 is very real and rare too! It belongs to our friend Jim Elyea at History For Hire in Los Angeles and is one of three TK41s he owns. What makes them rare is that these TK41s came from CBS Television City. As we all know, CBS only owned six or eight TK40 and 41s and this is one of them.
If you have never seen my article on History For Hire, click the link and be ready to be amazed! Enjoy and Share! -Bobby Ellerbee



  1. Jason F Colflesh October 23, 2014

    Now this is cool! Dino would be very proud of it.

  2. Patrick McGowan October 22, 2014

    Wow! Three timesheets for one shoot!

  3. Bobby Reyes October 22, 2014

    …thanks for the link, Bobby E. ! ..what a fabulous collection ! !

  4. Chuck Pharis October 22, 2014

    Yes this was a commercial for the Dean Martin Show on DVD. I was the TD, Video Engineer and Tape OP on this.