NBC Burbank 1958…Here’s A Drive By
On October 17, 2014
- TV History
Speaking Of NBC Burbank And 1958…Here’s A Drive By
In the last post, we saw a 1958 clip of Steve Allen and company singing and strolling the halls inside 3000 West Alameda…here’s the outside. Thanks to David Crosthwait and DC Video for this trip down memory lane. Enjoy and share! -Bobby Ellerbee
This is a 1958 videotape of NBC Burbank as recorded on 2″ Quad in a mobile unit. The show opens as the camera travels down California Street, takes a right t…
KTLA did the show when it was shot in Hollywood and I wonder if there is anyone out there who has clips of this terrific show. KTLA is no more and thank God I have Dick’s plaque honoring him for 46 years in the business. Clint clearly posted a picture of the new building and it is ugly.
Reminds me of this episode of Sanford And Son
I wonder what land fill that NBC sign landed in?
Same place today? https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/3110+W+Olive+Ave,+Burbank,+CA+91505,+USA/@34.156324,-118.3346276,3a,75y,39.49h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sJTwIixBfW6hp17-0NcdIvA!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x80c2bfcf8a664a13:0xb42d072d8b9e106d!6m1!1e1