This is my show…
‘Squidbillies’…Season 8 Debuts On Adult Swim Tonight At 11:45
This is my show! I am the voice of Sheriff on ‘Squidbilles’…television’s fourth most watched animated series. That’s a pretty good trick considering the other three are on Fox tonight in primetime!
Since our demo is mostly men 18 to 34, most of you have not seen the show, but millions of fans worldwide have. No matter your age, it’s still funny. By the way, Adult Swim is actually The Cartoon Channel after about 9PM. As the name Adult Swim implies, our shows are for adults only and have a lot of adult language and topics as you’ll see and hear.
I can not begin to tell you how much fun I have had playing this role. Since 2006, without fail, every single recording session has had at least one “laugh so hard you cry” moment and usually more. There is well over three hours of me just laughing uncontrollably in the archives. I love Sheriff…he is me and I am him in many ways, and I am honored to be us.
If you can’t make it till 11:45 tonight, set your DVR and take a look. Enjoy and share! -“Sheriff” Bobby Ellerbee
The Sheriff introduces Early and Granny to the wonders of the holodeck. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/AdultSwimSubscribe About Squidbillies: Squidbillies is Adult…
If we’re going to discuss Adult Swim, I have to bring up one of my favorite shows of all time: Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
One of the many reasons to watch Adult Swim 🙂
I’m not in the demo, but I rarely miss an episode. After all, the Cuylers are alot like my own family, just *slightly* more surreal.
You’re the best, Sheriff!
Now ive got to watch. Thanks