Super Bowl…The Magic Of Half Time! Amazing Video
On February 1, 2015
- TV History
Super Bowl…The Magic Of Half Time! Amazing Video
Two videos here…below, rare shots of the stage being set up for Madonna in 2012, and above is the performance.
Amazingly, they have only 6 minutes to set up and 6 to tear down these incredibly complex stages. I hear there are 600 on the stage crew to carry and assemble all this on the field. Enjoy and share!
-Bobby Ellerbee
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/sjernigan14 Personal video taken at Super Bowl 46 that shows the stage being built in 5 mins. Madonna was the halfti…
Got to be a part of it last year for Bruno Mars, some of the most incredible coordination on a production! Huge adrenaline rush!
This may not be a popular statement but already I’m tired of all this Super Bowl B.S. All over the news, in print, on radio, on TV…. everywhere……
Amazing setup-choreography alone!