The Amazing Life Of Eddie Brinkmann…Sullivan Stage Manager

Here is a great, four page story that covers 20+ years of ‘The Ed Sullivan Show’ from the guy that was the stage manger for the whole run, BUT HIS PERSONAL ARCHIVES ARE HERE, SO USE THE SEARCH FEATURE AT THE TOP RIGHT OF THE PAGE TO FIND THEM ALL!

This is a one of a kind look behind the scenes of real television history as told by Eddie Brinkmann. Above, Brinkmann and McCartney playing around, letting of a little nervous energy before “the really big show”!


One Comment

  1. Deirdre Wexler February 4, 2014

    I am Eddie Brinkmann’s granddaughter and have a treasure trove of pictures and letter from Ed Sullivan, Bob Precht, Jack Warner, Ezra Stone, etc, if anyone is interested. Please contact me through Facebook and I can make them available. I would love to hear from anyone who worked with him!