‘The Comedian’…This ‘Playhouse 90’, Inside CBS Television City
‘The Comedian’…Remembering Mickey Rooney
This ‘Playhouse 90’ is a must see for several reasons. First, it’s Mickey Rooney at his best, second…there are RCA TK11s everywhere as this is a “show within a show”. It was directed by one of live television’s best…John Frankenheimer, on February 14, 1957.
This originated from Television City and starts Mel Torme, Kim Hunter, Edmond O’Brien. Adapted for television by Rod Serling, this the story a vaudeville comedian who now has his own TV show…a ruthless egomaniac who demands instant obedience from his staff and heaps abuse on those in lesser positions. Enjoy and share!
Mickey Rooney plays hated TV clown Sammy Hogarth in a ‘ Playhouse 90” drama..Teleplay by Rod Serling.
Based on Jerry Lewis?
I’ve seen this before and it, like much of Serling’s work, stands the test of time. It is great! Thank you for finding this!