The RCA TK76 and PM Magazine
The RCA TK76 and PM Magazine
It is no small coincidence that both launched in 1976. PM originally started in San Francisco on KPIX as Evening Magazine and was created to run as a local program in the half hour preceding prime time. A new FCC ‘Prime Time Access’ rule, prohibited stations in the top 50 markets from accepting network programming, other than network news before prime time in order to ‘serve the local market’.
By ’78, The PM format became syndicated by Group W (Westinghouse), and was built to feature local stories shot on location on videotape. Before the TK76 ENG (Electronic News Gathering) camera came along, this would have not been a viable show because it would involve either bringing studio cameras to the field or using film. When the TK76 came along, so did news vans equipped with video tape like the RCA TPR 10. By ’77 RCA had the first helical scan machines ready…the HR 400 and TH 100 in ’78.
Used one of the Blue Boys in Reno (KTVN) real hard on the Shoulder. Ours had no Shoulder support. Ouch!
Here is a great clip of a TK-76 in the middle of a hockey brawl –
At WBZ-TV the TK-76 was the root of a nasty strike by IBEW. Westinghouse wanted non-union photographers on Evening. Finally a compromise was met where if the TK-76 was being used for tape non-union could operate. However if the camera could go live it must be union. End result all ENG vans were union.
Sure did beat the Norelco PCP 90… which we lugged all around Boston….
Great boat anchors – althogh I wish I had one for display now!
Well, they were rugged. HL79s made better pictures.
I worked PM Magzine in Charlotte with a TK76.
first camera i ever shot with!
I maintained 6 TK-76 for Evening Magazine at KPIX back in the day.