Ultra Rare Backstage Footage…’I Love Lucy’
On June 24, 2014
- TV History, Viewseum
Ultra Rare Backstage Footage…’I Love Lucy’
What you will see here is an expertly edited combination of actual production footage and 8mm color home movie footage that was somehow shot by an audience member.
This all takes place the evening of October 12, 1951, at Sound Stage 2 of General Services Studios in Hollywood. The episode filmed that night was the sixth episode the first season, titled “The Audition”. This show was a remake of the “I Love Lucy” pilot episode, which was presumed lost until 1990.
Photography on the set was forbidden, but somehow this got done and I’m glad it survived. Enjoy and share.
Given the decades-long afterlife it’s had, I can’t figure out why the didn’t shoot it in color from the beginning. How much more expensive would that have been?
Thank you so very much , awarm smile came my way !
Fantastic. What a treat. Thank you for posting this.
I saw something very similar with a film of an old Beatles concert. It was so cool to see the color and back & white correspond with each other. Great work.
Whoever edited the color film to match the original program, did a lot of intensive labor. Thanks for the efforts!